Temporary permit

1. Application to be used : Form P.T.A. as prescribed under rule 171(iv)of A.P.M.V.Rules, 1989.
2. Records to be filed along with the application :
  1. Registration Certificate of the vehicle.
  2. Fitness Certificate.
  3. Proof of payment of tax for the current Quarter.
  4. Insurance Certificate.
  5. Payment of green tax wherever applicable.
3. Fee to be paid : As prescribed.
4. Manner of payment of Fee : The fee can be paid directly in the office or in the bank through a Treasury challan.

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If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please give us a call or drop us an email.
We welcome your comments and suggestions about this website and/or any other issues that you wish to raise.

Contact Info


Stoneridge Center,

Sri Vignesh Towers
Tirumala By-Pass Road, Tirupati-517501.
Chitoor Dist, AP.

P: +91 8500 6 41414, 8500 7 41414
P: +91 8500 8 41414, 8500 9 41414
E: support@lorryguru.com
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